Thursday 31 December 2009

UK 2.0: Flight: Dubai - London - Pt3

Clouds are like you and me. They come in every shape, form and size.

Under these clouds were so many famous European Cities, if only we could catch a glimpse of them. The light path definitely stray very near to both Budapest, Vienna and Prague.

Some clouds were so dense and even that you get the illusion of being able to walk on them. This solid white mass should be able to support a stampeding herd of Diplodocus with T-rexes in hot pursuit, no? What joy it would be if we could roll and frolic on these clouds.

After a small reprieve for the land below to see the sun, a halo fell on reappearing carpets.

We were over half-way now and the gentle descend began.

I was very thrilled to see our shadow falling squarely in the halo. The Good Lord must have blessed this flight.

Down through the clouds we went.

Ah, English lands! A dear sight I have not behold since Malaysia's National Day. London from above. Emirates Stadium (Arsenal) can be seen below.

More skylines in the heart of London. We did pass Tower Bridge, but I wasn't quick enough to shoot it.

A bend on the Thames revealed many familiar landmarks of London. The Eye remained the most eye catching one. From there, you can easily trace Trafalgar Square and the the other areas of Greater London.

The Buckingham Palace.

Some suburbs, lots of cars and Heathrow.

We were finally there, after a 14 hour flight with 3 hours stopover at Dubai.

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