Sunday, 4 April 2010

Hyderabad: Final Week

Some snippets on the final days before we flew.

We managed to go to the Barbecue Nation in Banjaran Hills too.

Morning on the last day - comparing the first picture I took of the same lake, the water level has dipped. For our 2 months, it only rained twice. A very far cry from lovely Bristol.

Evening on the last day - the end of a day at the slums.

This trip has been a very enriching experience. It has opened my eyes to things I have never seen both figuratively and literally. I cannot claim to have know a lot more about Indian culture, but I have certainly develop a new sense of curiosity. There were quite a few interesting incidents I could retell for times to come, including being stuck in a demonstration and potential riot as well as being swamped and 'robbed' by hungry young children in the slums. On the other hand, the colors and richness of India is unrivaled. By and large, Indians are warm and generous people - people who I hope to know more about and friendships I would like to develop.

Many many thanks again, to the people in Rhythm and Hue for making this life-changing experience possible. I deeply treasure the passion you have invested in this program. This was so much more than just learning about matchmoving - this has exposed us to a world beyond our own. As a person, I am forever richer because of you!

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