Monday, 11 August 2008

Bristol International Balloon Fiesta 2008

Date of Event: 7 - 10 Aug
Date I attended: 7 Aug

For all the hype and excitement surrounding the event that represents Bristol probably as much as the Suspension Bridge itself, its success hinges on a single factor beyond the control of man despite I'm sure the best efforts of the organizers and participants. The weather these few days have been typically English (unpredictable and extreme and not too lovely most of the time.) I'm really thankful to have went on the first night, considering the long lists of main events, well advertised and anticipated for months to be canceled at the wimp of rain after that.

From tranquil and contemplative fields of greenery, Ashton Court was transformed into a place as busy, noisy and crowded as downtown London. Electronically transmitted noise permeate the normally quiet air, be it the entertaining voices of the MCs broadcast around the launch pad, the tempting calls of the many funfair stalls to try your luck at getting oversize soft toys, or the music of merry-go-round and other amusement rides.

Among the many stalls, these are some of those that I find interesting.

Bananas, lots of them. I think Black Jack is one of the games here.

I quite like this bar converted from a double-decker as well.

Many events ran throughout the day in the launch area. The first one I caught was the Paramania. An exciting show of aerial agility.

It was fun to see him rain confetti through the fan on the multitudes.

Dancing with a ribbon more than a 100 meters long was even better.

After that, there was the demonstration by the Avon Fire and Rescue. You can see the process of the balloon being inflated in the following pictures. It is hard to imagine something as small as the basket growing to the towering size of the fully 'blown up' balloon.

Some rather adorable fire cadets demonstrating their skills here.

One of the event I wanted to see is the Special Shape's launch. Special Shapes are balloon in any unusual shapes and sizes. Lots of people who had been to the previous years are looking forward to see the awe-inspiring Scottish Piper again. Alas, the weather has not been kind enough for the delicate piece to rise even though the owners had prepared for it. However, I'm happy to be able to see a few of the special shapes, especially the Monster.

This house was the first to rise. It floated in loneliness for quite a while before other balloons join it.

There you have a fire extinguisher. Ironic, given that balloons owe it all to fire and heat.

A lineup of them as crowds, easily among the thousands or more sitting around the field shaped like a natural amphitheater and enjoying the sight.

The IKEA balloon.

And my favorite for the year, the

None of them lift off that day, the highest one went was 2 feet off the ground. It is the Black House of Fraser balloon carrying the Facebook Classical Boy Band, Blake. The smaller rainbow colored one is a model balloon. It is 1/50 the volume of the big ones with the carrying capacity of perhaps a kitten. I've seen them come in the guise of a Viking's head, penguin, owl, and magpie, to name a few.

While waiting for most anticipated Night Glow, I wandered around and saw this merry-go-round.

After sunset and the golden lights were lit, the contraption looked instantly more magical and glamorous. Perhaps this was one of the reason why there were more people sitting on the rotating beasties after nightfall.

The wait for the Night Glow seemed like an eternity. For those who are visiting such an event and do plan to wait late into the night, it is very silly not to prepare something for yourself to sit on. Settling down on the grass will only give you an uncomfortable wet bum. Although I have no idea who the band, Blake were, they certainly sound and look very nice. Listening to their performance on the Heaven Hill's stage makes the wait a lot more bearable.

I will leave the most spectacular Night Glow for the next entry. Hours before the scheduled show time, some of the balloon teams has begin to test their burners. The searing light of the fire blasts that soared with the anticipation amongst the gathered crowds, is but a foretaste of what is to come.


Unknown said...

Hello, thanks for your kind words on my flying dispay!

Pascal Campbell-Jones

Paramania / Parabatix display

Amanda Ho said...

are anyone allowed to ride the balloons??!